The Planet Earth Lab is driven by a fundamental curiosity to understand our planet earth. The lab’s research is focused, but not limited to, pursuing the study of glacial sedimentology, the study of the geologic record left behind by past cold climates and ice ages, and geospatial analysis. The lab is headed by Prof. Nick Eyles, a Professor of Geology at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) with more than 30 years of experience conducting field work internationally to understand present and past glacial activity. Current research is looking to improve our understanding of glacial landforms and their process of formation by utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as drones and machine learning. The lab is also driven to leverage new approaches to learning in geosciences such as interactive modules and virtual field trips. This is a revolutionary new step in “bringing the field into the classroom”.
Eyles, N., & Bukhari, S. (2024). LiDAR mapping of De Geer moraines formed by pressing of lake clays under stalled paleo ice streams (c. 15,500 cal yr BP) in Southern Ontario, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews. Submitted.
Eyles, N., Paulen, R. C., Ross, M. & Bukhari, S. (2023). Aerial photographs to LiDAR: evolution of Quaternary geological mapping in Canada. In GAC-MAC-SGA 2023 Sudbury meeting: abstracts, volume 46, 138-139. Geological Association of Canada.
Bukhari, S., Eyles, N., Mulligan, R. P., Burt, A. K., Eyles, C. H., Paulen, R. C., Ross, M., & Putkinen, N. (2024). Laurentide Ice Sheet configuration in southern Ontario, Canada during the last glaciation (MIS 4 to 2) from stratigraphic drilling and LIDAR-based surficial mapping. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, (just in).
Duyan, M., & Eyles, N. (2024). Origin of a glacially influenced shallow marine chromite placer, Port au Port Bay, western Newfoundland, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 61(5), 620-639.
Bukhari, S., Eyles, N., & Paulen, R.C. (2024). LiDAR glacial geology and drift exploration: The prospectors’ ice-stream landsystem; in Till Geochemistry and Indicator Mineral Methods for Exploration in Glaciated Terrains (conv.) R.C. Paulen and M.B. McClenaghan; Prospectors and Developers Association, Convention Short Course, 1–2 March 2024, Toronto, Ontario.
Kennedy, K., Eyles, N. (2024). The Paleoproterozoic (c. 2.3 Ga) Gowganda Formation: Deep water, glacially-influenced debrites and related mass flow along a passive margin. Submitted.
Eyles, N., Bukhari, S., Sookhan, S., Ruscica, P., & Paulen, R. C. (2023). LiDAR‐based semi‐automated mapping of drumlins and mega‐scale glacial lineations of the Green Bay Lobe, Wisconsin, USA: Ice sheet beds as glaciotribological systems. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(2), 295-321.
Sookhan, S., Eyles, N., Bukhari, S., & Paulen, R. C. (2023). Response to comments by Karig (2021) on Sookhan et al." Lidar-based quantitative assessment of drumlin to mega-scale glacial lineation continuums and flow of the paleo Seneca-Cayuga paleo-ice stream". Quaternary Science Reviews, 305, 107451.
Yu, A. J., Eyles, N., Doughty, M., & Bukhari, S. (2023). Seismic reflection stratigraphy of Lac Simard, Quebec, Canada: mass flow sedimentation in glacial Lake Barlow-Ojibway. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60(11), 1509-1529.
Eyles, N. (2022). Tuzo: The unlikely revolutionary of plate tectonics. University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
Sookhan, S., Eyles, N., & Bukhari, S. (2022). Drumlins and mega-scale glacial lineations as a continuum of subglacial shear marks: A LiDAR based morphometric study of streamlined surfaces on the bed of a Canadian paleo-ice stream. Quaternary Science Reviews, 292, 107679.
Sookhan, S., Eyles, N., Bukhari, S., & Paulen, R. C. (2021c). LiDAR-based quantitative assessment of drumlin to mega-scale glacial lineation continuums and flow of the paleo Seneca-Cayuga paleo-ice stream. Quaternary Science Reviews, 263, 107003.
Mulligan, R. Boyce, J.I. Eyles, C.H., Eyles, N. (2021b). Seismic stratigraphy of a late Wisconsinan tunnel valley, Kempenfelt Bay, Lake Simcoe, Canada. Journal of Quaternary Science (In Press)
Bukhari, S., Eyles, N., Sookhan, S., Mulligan, R., Paulen, R., Krabbendam, M., & Putkinen, N. (2021a). Regional subglacial quarrying and abrasion below hard‐bedded palaeo‐ice streams crossing the Shield–Palaeozoic boundary of central Canada: the importance of substrate control. Boreas, 50(3), 781–805.
Kennedy, K., Eyles, N., & McArthur, A. (2021). Syn‐rift mass flow generated “tectonofacies” and “tectonosequences” of the Kingston Peak Formation, Death Valley, California, and their bearing on supposed Neoproterozoic panglacial climates. Sedimentology, 68(1), 352–381.
Le Heron, D.P., Eyles, N. and Busfield, M. (2020a) The Laurentian Neoproterozoic Glacial Interval: reappraising the extent and timing of glaciation. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 113, 59-70.
Putkinen, N., Eyles, N., Daxberger, H., Sarala, H., Pihlaja, J. and A. Murray (2020) Early Saalian deposits preserved under Late Weichselian till in the core region of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet at Äältövittikot in Finnish Lapland. Journal of Quaternary Science 2,
Kennedy, K. and Eyles, N. (2019b). Subaqueous debrites ('mixtites') of the Grand Conglomérat Formation, Democratic Republic of Congo: a model for anomalously thick Neoproterozoic 'glacial' diamictites. Journal of Sedimentary Research 89, 1-21.
Sookhan, S., Eyles, N., Arbelaez-Moreno, L., (2019a). Converging ice streams: a new paradigm for reconstructions of the Laurentide Ice sheet in southern Ontario and deposition of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Reply to comments. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 889-893.
Kennedy, K. and Eyles, N, and Broughton, D. (2019) Basinal setting and origin of thick (1.8 km) mass-flow dominated Grand Conglomerat diamictites, Kamoa, Democratic Republic of Congo: resolving climate and tectonic controls during Neoproterozoic glaciations. Sedimentology 66, 556-589.
Sookhan, S., Eyles, N. and Putkinen, N. (2018). LiDAR-based mapping of paleo-ice streams in the eastern Great Lakes sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and a model for the evolution of drumlins and MSGLs. Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden 140, 202-228.
Sookhan, S., Eyles, N. and Arbelaez-Moreno, L. (2018). Converging ice streams: a new paradigm for understanding the Laurentide Ice sheet in southern Ontario and deposition of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 55, 373-396.
Eyles, N, Arbelaez-Moreno, L., and Sookhan, S. (2018) Ice streams within the Late Wisconsin Cordilleran Ice Sheet of western North America. Quaternary Science Reviews 179, 87-122.
Putkinen, N., Eyles, N., S. Putkinen, A.E.K. Ojala J.-P. Palmu, P. Sarala, T. Väänänen, J. Räisänen, J. Saarelainen, N. Ahtonen, H. Rönty, A. Kiiskinen T. Rauhaniemi and T. Tervo. (2017) High-resolution LiDAR mapping of glacial landforms and ice streams in Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 89, 64-81.
Krabbendam, M., Bradwell, T., Everest, J. and Eyles, N. (2017). Joint-bounded crescentic scars formed by subglacial clast-bed contact forces: implications for bedrock failure beneath glaciers. Geomorphology 290, 114-127.
Delpomdor, F., Eyles, N., Tack, L. and Préat, A. (2016e) West-Congolian pre- and post-Marinoan carbonates in the Democratic Republic of Congo: glacially- or tectonically-influenced deep-water sediments? Paleogeography, Paleoecology and Paleoclimatology 457, 144-157.
Riley, S., Binder, R., Tucker, T.R., Menzies, J., Eyles, N., Janssen, J., Muir, A.M., Bronte, C.R., Wattrus, N.J. and Krueger, C.C. (2016d). Islands in the ice stream: were spawning habitats for native salmonids in the Great Lakes created by paleo-ice streams? Fish and Fisheries 18,347-359.
Krabbendam, M., Eyles, N., Putkinen, N. Bradwell, T., Arbelaez-Moreno, L. (2016c). Streamlined 'hard beds' cut by paleo-ice streams: a preliminary review. Sedimentary Geology 338, 24-50.
Eyles, N., Putkinen, N, Sookhan, S., Arbelaez-Moreno, L. (2016b) Erosional origin of drumlins and megaridges. Sedimentary Geology 338, 2-23.
Sookhan, S., Eyles, N., Putkinen, N. (2016a) LiDAR-based volume assessment of the origin of the Wadena Drumlin Field, Minnesota, USA. Sedimentary Geology 338, 72-83.
Eyles, N. and Doughty, M. (2016). Glacially-streamlined hard and soft beds of the paleo-Ontario Ice Stream in central Canada. Sedimentary Geology 338, 51-71.
Eyles, N and Daurio, L. (2015e) Little Ice Age debris lobes inside Ubehebe Crater, Death Valley, California: analog for Mars craters? Geomorphology 245, 231-242.
Yu, P., Eyles, N., Sookhan, S. (2015d) Automated drumlin volume estimation using LiDAR curvature imagery: a test from the Wadena Drumlin Field, Minnesota. Geomorphology 246, 589-601.
Wallace, K. and Eyles, N. (2015c) Seismites in Paleozoic carbonates and siliciclastics; Southern Ontario. Sedimentary Geology 316, 80-95.
Eyles, N., Zajch, A. and Doughty, M. (2015b) High-resolution seismic sub-bottom reflection record of low Hypsithermal levels in Ontario lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41, 41-52.
Battram, N.M., Lau, P.S., Simpson, M.J. and Eyles, N. (2015a). Organic matter biomarker analysis as a potential chemostratigraphic tool for Late Pleistocene tills from the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 418, 377-385.
Eyles, N., Boyce, J.I and Putkinen, N. (2015) Neoglacial (< 3000 years) till and flutes at Saskatchewan Glacier, Canadian Rocky Mountains, formed by subglacial deformation of a soft bed. Sedimentology 62, 182-203.
Doughty, M., Eyles, N., Wallace, K.W., Boyce, J.I., and Eyles, C. (2014) Lake sediments as natural seismographs: earthquake-related deformations (seismites) in central Canadian (Ontario and Quebec) lakes produced by reactivation of Precambrian structures. Sedimentary Geology 313, 45-67.
Eyles, N. and Putkinen, N. (2014) Glacially-megalineated limestone terrain of Anticosti Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada: onset zone of the Laurentian Channel ice stream. Quaternary Science Reviews 88, 125-134.
Doughty, M., Eyles, N. and Eyles, C.H. (2013) Seismic reflection profiling of neotectonic faults in glacial and postglacial sediment in Lake Timiskaming, Timiskaming Graben, Ontario/Quebec, Canada. Sedimentology 60, 683-706
Eyles, N. Meriano, M. and P. Chow-Fraser,P. (2013) Impacts of European settlement (1840-present) in a Great Lake watershed and lagoon: Frenchman’s Bay, Lake Ontario, Canada. Environmental Earth Sciences 68, 2211-2228 DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1904-8
Eyles, N. and Meulendyk, T. (2012c) Ground penetrating radar stratigraphy and depositional model for evolving Late Holocene dunes on the Lake Huron coast, Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38, 708-719
Eyles, N. (2012b) Glacially-cut rock drumlins and megagrooves of the Niagara Escarpment, Ontario, Canada cut below the Saginaw-Huron Ice Stream. Quaternary Science Reviews 55, 34-49.
Carto, S. and Eyles, N. (2012a) Sedimentology of the Neoproterozoic (c. 580 Ma) Squantum ‘Tillite’, Boston Basin USA: mass flow deposition in a non-glacial deep water arc basin. Sedimentary Geology 269, 1-14.
Carto, S. and Eyles, N. (2012) Modern volcano-sedimentary analogs for Neoproterozoic volcanic back arc basins during the Gaskiers glaciation (c. 580 Ma). Sedimentary Geology 261, 1-14.
Eyles, N., Eyles, C.H. and Menzies, J. (2011a) End moraine construction by submarginal incremental till deposition below the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Southern Ontario, Canada. Boreas 40, 92-104.
Meriano, M., Howard, K. and Eyles, N. (2011) The role of midsummer urban aquifer recharge in storm flow generation using isotopic and chemical hydrograph separation techniques. Journal of Hydrology 396, 82-93
Eyles, N. and Doughty, M. (2010c) Ongoing neotectonic activity in the Timiskaming-Kipawa area of Ontario and Quebec. Geoscience Canada 37, 97-104.
Doughty, M., Eyles, N. and Daurio, L. (2010b) Earthquake-triggered slumps (1935 Timiskaming M6.2) in Lake Kipawa, Western Quebec Seismic Zone, Canada. Sedimentary Geology 228, 113-118.
Xu, Y.P., Simpson. A., Eyles, N., Simpson, M.J. (2010a) Sources and molecular composition of cryoconite organic matter from the Athabasca Glacier, Canadian Rocky Mountains. Organic Geochemistry 41, 177-186.
Eyles, N. and Meriano, M. (2010) Road impacted sediment and water in a Lake Ontario watershed and lagoon, City of Pickering, Ontario, Canada: an example of urban basin analysis. Sedimentary Geology 224, 15-28.
Xu, Y.P., Simpson. A., Eyles, N., Simpson, M.J. (2009c) Biomarker record of organic matter inputs into Northwest Atlantic sediments during Marine Isotope Stages 11 and 12. Applied Geochemistry 24, 1934-1940.
Meriano, M., Eyles, N. and Howard, K.W.F. (2009b) Hydrogeological impacts of road salt from Canada’s busiest highway on a Lake Ontario watershed and lagoon (Frenchman’s Bay), City of Pickering. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 107, 66-81.
Meriano, M. and Eyles, N. (2009a) Quantitative assessment of the hydraulic role of subglaciofluvial interbeds in promoting deposition of deformation till (Northern Till, Ontario). Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 608-620.
James, N.P., Eyles, C.H., Eyles, N., Hiatt, E., and Kyser, T.K. (2009) Oceanographic significance of a cold-water carbonate environment: glaciomarine sediments of the Pleistocene Yakataga Formation, Middleton Island, Alaska. Sedimentology 56, 367-397.
Couch, A. and Eyles, N. (2008c) Sedimentary record of glacial Lake Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, Canada: implications for Arctic freshwater routing. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 268, 26-38.
Eyles, N. and Meulendyk, T. (2008b) Ground penetrating radar study of a Pleistocene ice-scoured glaciolacustrine sequence boundary. Boreas 37, 226-233.
Eyles, N. (2008a) Glacioepochs and the supercontinent cycle after ~3.0 Ga: tectonic boundary conditions for global cooling. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology 258, 89-129.
Seilheimer, T.S., Wei, A., Chow-Fraser, P. and Eyles, N. (2007c) Impact of urbanization on the water quality, fish habitat and fish community of a Lake Ontario marsh, Frenchman’s Bay. Urban Ecosystems 10, 299-319.
Eyles, N. and Januszczak, N. (2007b) Syntectonic submarine mass flows of the Neoproterozoic Otavi Group, Namibia: where is the evidence of global glaciation? Basin Research 19, 179-188
Eyles, C.H., Eyles, N. and Grey, K. (2007a) Palaeoclimate implications from deep drilling of Neoproterozoic strata in the Officer Basin and Adelaide Rift Complex of Australia: a marine record of wet-based glaciers. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology 248, 291-312
Kerr. M. and Eyles, N. (2007) Origin of drumlins on the floor of Lake Ontario and in Upper New York State. Sedimentary Geology 193, 7-20.
Lazorek, M., Eyles, N., Eyles, C., Doughty, M., L’Heureux, E and Milkereit, B. (2006b) Late Pleistocene seismo-stratigraphy of a meteorite impact basin (Lake Wanapitei: c. 37 Ma), Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Sedimentary Geology 192: 231-242.
Eyles, N., Eyles, C. and Mory, A. (2006a) A 50 million year long record of glacial to postglacial marine environments preserved in a Carboniferous-Lower Permian graben, northern Perth Basin, Western Australia. Journal of Sedimentary Research 76, 618-631.
Eyles, N. (2006) The role of meltwater in glacial processes. Sedimentary Geology 190, 257-268.